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Taiwan - Taiwan

Two channel video / Full HD

100 minutes



雙頻道錄像 / Full HD


The two videos that comprise this work were shot separately. Two actors were not shown the script (what they were going to perform) in advance until the moment immediately before shooting. Finally what videos presents is the 100 minutes “long take” of impromptu performance, the actors in it were continently using various emotion, actions and method to interpret their idea of  “Taiwan.” Afterward I juxtapose two videos and play together, the relationship/conversation between two impromptu performances create an endless and unpredictable form of dialectical reasoning for me. 


Created during the Taiwan’s centennial anniversary, this piece reflects my acknowledgment of Taiwan’s current situation, as well as my personal contradiction and anxieties...  In the end, what is Taiwan?

作品中兩個影像是分開拍攝的, 演員們事先並不知道將要表演的台詞直到開機的那一刻, 作品最後呈現的是一百分鐘ㄧ鏡到底的即興演出. 影像中的男女不間斷地用各種情緒, 動作與方式來詮釋他們認知的“台灣“. 最後我把兩個影像並置, 對我而言雙方隨機不可預期的詮釋與節奏所造成的關係/對答產生了一個無止盡的辯證


在建國一百年的今天, 這個作品反映了我所認知的台灣現況與我本身的焦慮與矛盾…最後到底什麼是台灣?

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